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Hex Color Code Chart for Websites

Hex Color Code Chart for Websites

Writing websites involves choosing colors, and the internet handles colors in two ways: Named colors, which are descriptive but somewhat limited, and color codes. For more on where these codes come from, scroll down to the bottom of the color chart.

#FFFF99 #CCFF99 #99FF99 #66FF99 #33FF99 #00FF99
#FFFF66 #CCFF66 #99FF66 #66FF66 #33FF66 #00FF66
#FFFF33 #CCFF33 #99FF33 #66FF33 #33FF33 #00FF33
#FFFF00 #CCFF00 #99FF00 #66FF00 #33FF00 #00FF00
#FFCC99 #CCCC99 #99CC99 #66CC99 #33CC99 #00CC99
#FFCC66 #CCCC66 #99CC66 #66CC66 #33CC66 #00CC66
#FFCC33 #CCCC33 #99CC33 #66CC33 #33CC33 #00CC33
#FFCC00 #CCCC00 #99CC00 #66CC00 #33CC00 #00CC00
#FF99FF #CC99FF #9999FF #6699FF #3399FF #0099FF
#FF99CC #CC99CC #9999CC #6699CC #3399CC #0099CC
#FF9999 #CC9999 #999999 #669999 #339999 #009999
#FF9966 #CC9966 #999966 #669966 #339966 #009966
#FF9933 #CC9933 #999933 #669933 #339933 #009933
#FF9900 #CC9900 #999900 #669900 #339900 #009900
#FF66FF #CC66FF #9966FF #6666FF #3366FF #0066FF
#FF66CC #CC66CC #9966CC #6666CC #3366CC #0066CC
#FF6699 #CC6699 #996699 #666699 #336699 #006699
#FF6666 #CC6666 #996666 #666666 #336666 #006666
#FF6633 #CC6633 #996633 #666633 #336633 #006633
#FF6600 #CC6600 #996600 #666600 #336600 #006600
#FF33FF #CC33FF #9933FF #6633FF #3333FF #0033FF
#FF33CC #CC33CC #9933CC #6633CC #3333CC #0033CC
#FF3399 #CC3399 #993399 #663399 #333399 #003399
#FF3366 #CC3366 #993366 #663366 #333366 #003366
#FF3333 #CC3333 #993333 #663333 #333333 #003333
#FF3300 #CC3300 #993300 #663300 #333300 #003300
#FF00FF #CC00FF #9900FF #6600FF #3300FF #0000FF
#FF00CC #CC00CC #9900CC #6600CC #3300CC #0000CC
#FF0099 #CC0099 #990099 #660099 #330099 #000099
#FF0066 #CC0066 #990066 #660066 #330066 #000066
#FF0033 #CC0033 #990033 #660033 #330033 #000033
#FF0000 #CC0000 #990000 #660000 #330000 #000000


Color codes are written in hexadecimal, a system of counting which includes sixteen individual digits: instead of 0-9, hex includes 0-F, where A through F represent 10 through 15. Computers work in binary — representing 1 or 0, yes or no, on or off, and so forth — in sets of eight. Eight on/off values make 256 possible combinations, but it takes more memory to store all eight individual values. Hexadecimal allows the same information to be stored in two digits.

All PC and Mac computer colors are represented by a breakdown of red, green, and blue values. Let’s say you have a color which is 234 red, 156 green, 45 blue. To find the web color code, you divide each by 16. The quotient is the first number and the remainder is the second. So, 234 / 16 = 14 with a remainder of 10. The hex translation is 14=D and 10=A. When you do the same for the green and blue values, your resulting code is #DA9C2D.